Friday, September 30, 2005
I'm envoking the powers of Jobu. Three very important games remain and the Indians need all the help they can get. Look Jobu, I like you, I stick up for you, but if you don't help them now, I say f@#* you, I'll find some other icon. Now all we need is some Willie Mayes Hayes, Pedro Cerrano, Ricky Vaughn and good old Lou Brown. All joking aside, this year was great. The Indians brought back my excitement for baseball and Cleveland sports teams. No matter what, win or lose, I'm proud to be an Indians fan and I truly enjoyed this season and the run they made. Unbelievable baseball and too bad someone has to be left out of the playoffs. With a little help from Jobu, it won't be the Indians. Go Tribe! now cue the music...Wild Thing!
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Now I'm a Yankees fan
Only for one reason would I ever root for the NY Yankees a.k.a "The Evil Empire." Sorry Boston but you're one game behind the Indians for the wild card spot and the ChiSox's just clinched the AL Central. The best the Indians can do is win tonight, and sweep the ChiSox's for a tie. However, the ChiSox's would win the tie breaker leading the series 11-5. There is no more room for losing, the Indians must win every single game. No more losing to the stinking Devil Rays. Don't break my heart and choke right at the end. You all lost three straight games and are about to be the cause of my heart attack. Now I could root for Boston, but I don't want to risk both teams beating out the Indians. I feel more comfortable rooting against the team behind the Indians than the team in front. Especially since that didn't go so well the first time with the ChiSox's. So let's go Yanks beat them Sox's.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Another amazing story
Just adding to the inspirational stories...This kid, Bobby Martin, in Dayton has no legs but still gets on the field to play high school football. NBC ran a story (see the video)on Bobby when referees told the team that Bobby was not allowed to play after halftime since he was in violation of a rule. A rule that really doesn't apply to Bobby...every player must wear shoes, thigh pads and knee pads. Um, not to be cruel or funny, but the guy has no legs, therefor no shoes, thigh pads and knee pads. One interesting point, had the refs never prohibited from playing that second half, a story about Bobby Martin may never had been done and I wouldn't be right this. Oh, and for those of you who want to know about the other amazing story, you'll have to go through Phillip "Race Report"and then Cassie. Sorry, I can't let you all just jump to the story about a first time marathon runner without stopping by.
My blood pressure is rising
Well, not really. I am getting a bit frustrated with the Indians. Come on guys, losing two straight is not a good thing. It's not an awful thing but when the ChiSox's lost two straight and eliminating their two game lead with wins would have been perfect. But noooo, you don't gain any ground but at least you didn't fall back. Then the Red Sox's and Yankees lost so we didn't gain any separation. You're all tied for the wild card and I don't know how long I can take this. Only five games left and possibly the biggest showdown in recent years against the leading ChiSox's. I think I'm gonna be sick.....
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Could this be?
Thank you Govenator. People laugh at celeberties getting involved in politics and world affairs. For the most part, the criticism is silly and I think most have good intentions. But Ben Affleck, Senator of Virginia? 1. I'm glad I live in MD. 2. Is Ben Affleck the answer for the Democrats. Come on Democrats, make me proud. Stick it to the Man...get me Jack Black.
Monday, September 26, 2005
My favorite month is coming...
Fine, I'll make this quick...Sorry, I have a few choice words for Mr. Blogger. October is my favorite month. Partly because it's my birthday month but mostly for all the things associated with October and Halloween. I almost could careless about my birthday. It's nice and a yearly reminder of how long I've been here in this realm. The birthday/halloween parties as a child rocked!
What really makes me smile in October are the horror movie marathons. I'm sure TNT, TBS, Bravo, A&E and the SciFi Channel will be rolling out the monster movie marathons very soon. I know Encore Mystery has the entire month devoted to horror movies. Hellraiser or Exorcist anyone? Freaky story about the Exorcist and the TV coming soon. I do have a restriction placed on one movie...Pet Cemetary. I will not watch this movie. Not even for a little bit. Let's just say I had a bad experience and I've never quite gotten over it. I did get over my bad Poltergeist experience and I love watching that movie but Pet Cemetary is still a no-go for me.
Another great thing about October...haunted houses and tours. Now, I don't know any haunted houses around here except for some Fright Fest thing that I think is near RFK. I've never gone. I did go on a haunted tour, which I really loved. I'm not just saying this because my wife took me to it on my birthday. I really do love real ghost stories which is what most of the haunted tours revolve around. I've heard there are some in DC, Alexandria and some of the surrounding areas but I've yet to go on those. Hmm...maybe this year. Who knows. I am a little scaried that something might happen but that's for another post.
In the spirit of October, here are a few post topics coming soon...the freaky story about the Exorcist, all time favorite horror flicks and a profession I secretly would love to do if life wasn't so serious.
What really makes me smile in October are the horror movie marathons. I'm sure TNT, TBS, Bravo, A&E and the SciFi Channel will be rolling out the monster movie marathons very soon. I know Encore Mystery has the entire month devoted to horror movies. Hellraiser or Exorcist anyone? Freaky story about the Exorcist and the TV coming soon. I do have a restriction placed on one movie...Pet Cemetary. I will not watch this movie. Not even for a little bit. Let's just say I had a bad experience and I've never quite gotten over it. I did get over my bad Poltergeist experience and I love watching that movie but Pet Cemetary is still a no-go for me.
Another great thing about October...haunted houses and tours. Now, I don't know any haunted houses around here except for some Fright Fest thing that I think is near RFK. I've never gone. I did go on a haunted tour, which I really loved. I'm not just saying this because my wife took me to it on my birthday. I really do love real ghost stories which is what most of the haunted tours revolve around. I've heard there are some in DC, Alexandria and some of the surrounding areas but I've yet to go on those. Hmm...maybe this year. Who knows. I am a little scaried that something might happen but that's for another post.
In the spirit of October, here are a few post topics coming soon...the freaky story about the Exorcist, all time favorite horror flicks and a profession I secretly would love to do if life wasn't so serious.
Weather Wars
Oh boy, here come the conspiracies and a new face, Scott Stevens, a meteorologist gone rogue. He has taken up a new project, proving that mother nature is no longer in control and that Hurricane Katrina was an attack on the US. I'll believe this one when I see it or when there are about five or six more hurricanes striking all our coasts. Oh yeah, and that 7.7 or greater earthquake that Mr. Stevens claims will be the next big attack. Maybe you should have kept this quiet, kept your day job and drove yourself crazy in the wee hours of the night figuring this one out. But no, you've gone and left your job and have a lovely website asking for donations to fund your research. One word...SCAM! Or is it? Could these events been an attack on the US? Did the Russians create a "fantastic" weapon capable of launching natural disaster strikes? What a perfect and totally deniable weapon. Only time will tell if this guy has lost it or that we are the fools and he's had it right from the beginning.
Friday, September 23, 2005
If you're reading this...
20 Facts about Myself:
1. I'm tired of trying to be perfect. Everyone makes mistakes and I'm no different.
2. I like watching HGTV and dreaming about my dream home.
3. If I had a $100 million, I'd still work because I worry too much.
4. I love me some chicken tika masala
5. I don't like to be grammactically correct all the time. I like me some misuse of language.
6. I can't stand seeing people leave the shopping carts in the middle of parking spots.
7. I'm too embarrased to wear my kilt like a true Scot's man.
8. I wish I could eat what I want, when I want and not suffer the consequences of my stomach's desire.
9. Spiders scare the crap out of me but I'll still kill them for my wife.
10. I want to communicate with the other side.
11. I believe in love after first sight.
12. I assume all people are good in nature until they prove me otherwise.
13. I eat my lunches inside my car to avoid people at work.
14. I suck at making lunches...I make the same thing every day.
15. Eating the same foods over and over again doesn't bother me.
16. I can't seem to sleep past 8 am
17. I hate running but I feel the need to run...though that doesn't mean I actually run
18. I thought I would never drink coffee, damn you Starbucks.
19. Death scares me...I haven't even come close to leaving my mark.
20. I really hate describing myself and this took me all day to write...
I know the rules but I'm sorry Phillip, I just don't know that many people, soooo
whoever reads this....TAG you're it.
1. I'm tired of trying to be perfect. Everyone makes mistakes and I'm no different.
2. I like watching HGTV and dreaming about my dream home.
3. If I had a $100 million, I'd still work because I worry too much.
4. I love me some chicken tika masala
5. I don't like to be grammactically correct all the time. I like me some misuse of language.
6. I can't stand seeing people leave the shopping carts in the middle of parking spots.
7. I'm too embarrased to wear my kilt like a true Scot's man.
8. I wish I could eat what I want, when I want and not suffer the consequences of my stomach's desire.
9. Spiders scare the crap out of me but I'll still kill them for my wife.
10. I want to communicate with the other side.
11. I believe in love after first sight.
12. I assume all people are good in nature until they prove me otherwise.
13. I eat my lunches inside my car to avoid people at work.
14. I suck at making lunches...I make the same thing every day.
15. Eating the same foods over and over again doesn't bother me.
16. I can't seem to sleep past 8 am
17. I hate running but I feel the need to run...though that doesn't mean I actually run
18. I thought I would never drink coffee, damn you Starbucks.
19. Death scares me...I haven't even come close to leaving my mark.
20. I really hate describing myself and this took me all day to write...
I know the rules but I'm sorry Phillip, I just don't know that many people, soooo
whoever reads this....TAG you're it.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
How Machiavellian are you?
My results...
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian |
![]() You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead... But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself. You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place. You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to! |
I don't know if I can take this
The Indians took 2 out of three games against the ChiSox's and trail by only 2 1/2 games. They lead the wild card by 1 game over the BoSox's. Forget football, baseball is too intriguing right now. I'm an American League boy and could really care less about the National League but they have their own drama. However, the AL has the fading ChiSox's, the slumping BoSox's, the hated Yankees, the red hot Indians and two teams from Cali, um, the Angels and A's. All six of these teams are fight for for playoff spot, so two teams are going to be left out. I haven't been this excited about my Indians in a long time. I can only hope they can keep winning and either leap past the ChiSox's or hold off the Sox's and Yankees. I'd prefer to knock off the ChiSox's but it maybe easier to hold off the Sox's and Yankees. On paper, the Indians have the easier schedule but the one team that scares me are those pesky D-Rays from Tampa. They've beaten up the Yankees and tripped up the Sox's, so they know they can be a spoiler but hopefully they are Yankee and Sox spoilers and rollover for the Indians. Yeah right, every game is important and ever win brings joy but a loss brings pain, suffering and a panic attack. I wish I could just turn my head and cover my ears but I just can't do that. I want to experience either the sweet joy of victory or the dreadful pain of disappointment. Whatever happens, I don't want to be the one who didn't go through either emotion. If the Indians logo wasn't so ridiculous and offensive, I'd have my Indians hat on all the time the their little logo plaster everywhere.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Now I really don't want to watch Ghost Whisperer
Here's part of an article from the washingtonpost on Ghost Whisperer;
[The lowdown: In the face-off of God vs. ghosts, ghosts triumphed: "Ghost Whisperer" replaces the beloved "Joan of Arcadia," which CBS abruptly canceled in May after only two seasons. TV's next big thing Wentworth Miller (currently starring in Fox's "Prison Break") guest stars in the "Whisperer" pilot as a dead soldier trying to connect with his son. Miller is a busy guy: He also played Satan's minion in the final two episodes of "Joan."]
CBS dumped "Joan" for Jennifer Love Hewitt? UGH!!! Poo on CBS. Not only is "Ghost Whisperer" a complete knock off of "Medium" it's supposed to replace "Joan." I think I feel the vomit. I must admit, I never watched "Joan" when it was on CBS. Only until our friend Phillip loaned season one did I get my first glimpse of a show I now love. Oh well, "Ghost Whisperer" comes on Fridays which are taken up by SciFi channel's excellent SciFi Friday shows "SG-1", "SG-Atlantis" and "Battlestar," which means I won't be pressed to change any settings on our TiVo. And for those who would like to read the entire article here it is.
[The lowdown: In the face-off of God vs. ghosts, ghosts triumphed: "Ghost Whisperer" replaces the beloved "Joan of Arcadia," which CBS abruptly canceled in May after only two seasons. TV's next big thing Wentworth Miller (currently starring in Fox's "Prison Break") guest stars in the "Whisperer" pilot as a dead soldier trying to connect with his son. Miller is a busy guy: He also played Satan's minion in the final two episodes of "Joan."]
CBS dumped "Joan" for Jennifer Love Hewitt? UGH!!! Poo on CBS. Not only is "Ghost Whisperer" a complete knock off of "Medium" it's supposed to replace "Joan." I think I feel the vomit. I must admit, I never watched "Joan" when it was on CBS. Only until our friend Phillip loaned season one did I get my first glimpse of a show I now love. Oh well, "Ghost Whisperer" comes on Fridays which are taken up by SciFi channel's excellent SciFi Friday shows "SG-1", "SG-Atlantis" and "Battlestar," which means I won't be pressed to change any settings on our TiVo. And for those who would like to read the entire article here it is.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Doom on you...ESPN and Fox
I'm still excited. Very excited. BUT...the gosh darn sports networks are not broadcasting a single Indians game. The surprise team of the year, and not one of the networks can find it in them to show at least ONE game. C'mon, who wants to see Toronto and the Yankees? Though, I suppose Cleveland vs KC isn't that exciting either. Oh, and Fox, figures they would broadcast the Yanks and BoSox's. Nevermind the Indians and ChiSox's. I should take a vacation to Medina for the next month or so to watch baseball. I'm sure that will go over real well. I'm sure my little brother will be watching every night on Ohio Sportsnet or a local network. Err...these are times when I wish I lived in Ohio. I can't get excited about O's, Ravens, Redskins, Mystics, Nationals, Wizards or any other team in this general area. Except possibly for the Caps. Cleveland doesn't have a NHL team but believe me if they did, you bet your ass I'd be cheering them on. Cleveland Rocks, Cleveland Rocks, Cleveland Rocks....OHIO!!
Total excitement
Well, it may not be for other people, especially if you really don't care about sports but for me right now I'm excited about sports. For the better part of the year, I really could care less about my home teams. The Cavs crumbled(big shocker for a team from Cleveland) and the Indians didn't start off too great and the ChiSox's built a 15 game lead.
Now, the Indians are 3 and a half games back, destroying that 15 game lead as of Aug 1. They lead the damn Yankees by one and a half games in the wildcard. Ladies and gentlemen, that's a playoff team. Unfortunately, this has to be the most exciting and nerve wracking time. Thirteen games left in the final two weeks of baseball. Six games are against the ChiSox's, and a good showing may launch the Indians above the Sox's marking maybe one of the biggest chokes in recent memory. Well, almost the biggest choke. Last year's beautiful downfall of a 3-0 Yankee lead in the ALCS, is the biggest choke. Alright ESPN, you better start showing some of these games. I want to see my Indians win. If all goes well, I'll be even more of a nervous wreck when the playoff starts and a run to the World Series involves the Indians. I'll be glued to Fox and ESPN every night the Indians play.
Adding to the excitement are by beloved Brownies. They may have beaten a fading Packers team but a win is a win. And what could be more nail-biting than Brett Favre driving his team down the field, scoring a touchdown and kicking an onside kick. Nothing...but the Packers didn't recover that onside kick so disaster avoided. Browns win. However, it's early and this is supposed to be a rough rebuilding year(again). But I don't care, they won and I'm ready for another game. Bring on the Colts. Though, a few more games like the Cincy game, and I'll be changing my tune to make it stop. I had this same feeling last year only to witness a nine game losing streak to end the season.
So not only are my two favorite home teams winning but I feel good today. This should be an excellent day and the perfect completion would be a win tonight for my soccer team. We've lost three straight and have played no where near to our potential but I'm starting awake from my coma. A few hard shots on goal last week and I'm starting to be able to play harder than I have since I started this a few months ago is giving me more confidence. More confidence equals better play and increases my ability to contribute to this team and better our chances of ending this horrible losing streak.
Now, the Indians are 3 and a half games back, destroying that 15 game lead as of Aug 1. They lead the damn Yankees by one and a half games in the wildcard. Ladies and gentlemen, that's a playoff team. Unfortunately, this has to be the most exciting and nerve wracking time. Thirteen games left in the final two weeks of baseball. Six games are against the ChiSox's, and a good showing may launch the Indians above the Sox's marking maybe one of the biggest chokes in recent memory. Well, almost the biggest choke. Last year's beautiful downfall of a 3-0 Yankee lead in the ALCS, is the biggest choke. Alright ESPN, you better start showing some of these games. I want to see my Indians win. If all goes well, I'll be even more of a nervous wreck when the playoff starts and a run to the World Series involves the Indians. I'll be glued to Fox and ESPN every night the Indians play.
Adding to the excitement are by beloved Brownies. They may have beaten a fading Packers team but a win is a win. And what could be more nail-biting than Brett Favre driving his team down the field, scoring a touchdown and kicking an onside kick. Nothing...but the Packers didn't recover that onside kick so disaster avoided. Browns win. However, it's early and this is supposed to be a rough rebuilding year(again). But I don't care, they won and I'm ready for another game. Bring on the Colts. Though, a few more games like the Cincy game, and I'll be changing my tune to make it stop. I had this same feeling last year only to witness a nine game losing streak to end the season.
So not only are my two favorite home teams winning but I feel good today. This should be an excellent day and the perfect completion would be a win tonight for my soccer team. We've lost three straight and have played no where near to our potential but I'm starting awake from my coma. A few hard shots on goal last week and I'm starting to be able to play harder than I have since I started this a few months ago is giving me more confidence. More confidence equals better play and increases my ability to contribute to this team and better our chances of ending this horrible losing streak.
Monday, September 12, 2005
What a crap weekend
I feel like I have no room to complain especially with all the hard work my wife is doing but I can't help it. My first two let downs aren't important at all. First, Saturday night my Buckeyes blew a late lead over Texas and lost the game. The biggest game of the early college football season and Ohio State blows a home game that they should have won. Then on Sunday, my beloved Brownies fell to state rival Bengals. What a crappy sports weekend. On the brightside, the Indians shelled the Twins 12-4 and have a one game lead over the Yankees for the wildcard spot.
What actually made the weekend crappy was that my wife worked all weekend. I did get to spend some time with her but for the most part, she worked like it was a weekday. I am proud of my wife, she rocks! So what did I do with my time? Well, I sure didn't do anywork that I brought home with me. I sure as hell didn't write a damn thing, which is beginning to really annoy me. I want to write, I have so much stuck in my head that I want to get out but I can't concentrate. I wonder off every few seconds. This is not good. I basically sat around and did nothing worthwhile. Played videogames, watched football and drank beer. Very exciting stuff. Oh and the old car needs a new rim. Great. I did avoid a mullet disaster by getting a haircut. I was getting dangerously close to a mullet, brought to my attention by my wife while playing with my hair last week. All in all, a boo weekend.
What actually made the weekend crappy was that my wife worked all weekend. I did get to spend some time with her but for the most part, she worked like it was a weekday. I am proud of my wife, she rocks! So what did I do with my time? Well, I sure didn't do anywork that I brought home with me. I sure as hell didn't write a damn thing, which is beginning to really annoy me. I want to write, I have so much stuck in my head that I want to get out but I can't concentrate. I wonder off every few seconds. This is not good. I basically sat around and did nothing worthwhile. Played videogames, watched football and drank beer. Very exciting stuff. Oh and the old car needs a new rim. Great. I did avoid a mullet disaster by getting a haircut. I was getting dangerously close to a mullet, brought to my attention by my wife while playing with my hair last week. All in all, a boo weekend.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Wow such compassion
I came across this lovely little press release reading Elliot in the morning tid bits and what can I say. Through Katrina, God destroyed a wicked city??? I don't get it. Why even go there? Can't we just accept that the weather conditions created a hurricane that just so happened to slam right into New Orleans and the surrounding areas? Oh, wait, because there was going to be this "Southern Decadence" God had to stop it. I guess 34 times is too much sin and it had to stop. This site might actually be better than Kirk Cameron's so I have another thing to do this weekend. Well, it may have to wait until later.