Monday, September 26, 2005

Weather Wars

Oh boy, here come the conspiracies and a new face, Scott Stevens, a meteorologist gone rogue. He has taken up a new project, proving that mother nature is no longer in control and that Hurricane Katrina was an attack on the US. I'll believe this one when I see it or when there are about five or six more hurricanes striking all our coasts. Oh yeah, and that 7.7 or greater earthquake that Mr. Stevens claims will be the next big attack. Maybe you should have kept this quiet, kept your day job and drove yourself crazy in the wee hours of the night figuring this one out. But no, you've gone and left your job and have a lovely website asking for donations to fund your research. One word...SCAM! Or is it? Could these events been an attack on the US? Did the Russians create a "fantastic" weapon capable of launching natural disaster strikes? What a perfect and totally deniable weapon. Only time will tell if this guy has lost it or that we are the fools and he's had it right from the beginning.


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