Monday, November 13, 2006

He writes again but only to warn the others

Amazing, I still know my username and password. Unbelievable.

By now you should know the date, the time, where and who. November 18, 3:30 p.m. Columbus, Ohio - #1 The Ohio State Buckeyes and the #2 Michigan Wolverines. If you don't know then you either don't follow sports or you've been hiding under a rock. This will probably be the longest week of my life. Couldn't Veterans Day be this Friday? Or how about moving Thanksgiving to this Thursday? I'm not sure if I'll be able to concentrate at work.

My warning is for those who will see me on Saturday. I will either be drowning my self in sorrow in an attempt to stave off a deep depression or I'll be the most gleeful SOB this side of Columbus. The difference between now and say ten years ago, I don't fear Big Blue dashing the Scarlet and Gray's national title march. I have complete confidence in the Buckeyes and The Shoe will be rocking on Saturday.

Then comes Sunday as my Beloved Brownies go for two in a row against the hated Pittsburgh Steelers. It's time to put those Steelers in their rightful place that is last place in the AFC North. "Here we go Brownies, here we go! Woof, woof! Here we go Brownies, here we go! Woof, woof! Shooooters!!!" I plan to here that all afternoon long on Sunday. For the outsiders, that is code for Touchdown Browns! Now give us our shooters!


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