Friday, January 27, 2006

Why stop at same-sex marriages?

I've been hesitant to write anything about this subject but I'm beginning to get frustrated as the state governments close to me (MD and VA) are preparing state constitutional amendments for November elections. Do these amendments affect me directly? Not really. I'm happily married and it's recognized by the state. What really infuriated me was this article about the proposed amendment in VA. On page 2, a delegate explained some of the wording in the amendment and it sounds like whether your homosexual or heterosexual, civil unions, common law marriages and domestic partnerships will be prohibited in the state of Virginia. Okay, I don't live in Virginia but still, that's pretty extreme but I also know I'm going off of what someone else said. So what, if you're not religious and don't have a ceremony, you're union is illegal? What exactly is considered a marriage? For the past few years now, the term civil union has been thrown around and I guess I'm a bit ignorant to the difference between a marriage and civil union. Oh, and shame on you Maryland Democrats, you're so concerned about the upcoming state elections, you'll stop fighting to save your asses.

This all makes me wonder what my marriage is considered. If my ceremony was not in a church nor had any referencing to God or other religious icons; does this mean it's not a marriage?

Okay, back to my point. I don't understand what's the big deal. You have your marriage. Others who don't share your particular belief, wish to join in marriage under the spirit of love. They want to live life and function with all the benefits as the traditional family. What's the harm in that? Why can't they be married by a mayor or a priest/reverends who does not see a homosexual union threatening or wrong? How is it not discrimination? If marriage is defined and limited by the word of the Bible, then why allow marriages that don't recognize the forms of Christianity/Catholicism? Why don't these unions, threaten the sanctity of marriage? Just some thoughts. More to come as I develop my thoughts and gather opinions.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Yahoo Answers

I mentioned my new addiction, Yahoo Answers, and I have no added what appears to by my badge. I still haven't received special thank you but I am at level 2. Quite a few of the questions and answers are very interesting. I love answering the military questions, especially the ones dealing with finding people or personnel questions. I don't participate much with the "do you think the US should bomb Iran?" questions or "like I totally have this crush on this guy ya know, do ya think I he's like into me?"teenage queries. I'm not always the first person to answer, but I have gotten a few best answer selections. Hooray me! I'll eventually lose interest just like I lost interest in Nation States and Neopets. My nation probably has crumbled into noexistance or is frozen in time. My neopet probably is dead or is some walking corpse. Sorry OingoBoingo, I don't deserve you. I'm being sucked into things like yahoo answers and the first few weeks of American Idol and The Flavor of Love(a.ka. the Black-cheloooor-Flavor Flav). Real informative TV, I know.

It's been awhile

I finally updated my blog and took off the nanowrimo stuff. If you didn't notice, I never completed. I barely even made an attempt. Anyways I also added another blog that has my interest. I stumbled across this guy who made a Star wars fan film and was featured on G4TV. It took me a month or so to actually put forth the effort to find the website and watch the forty minute feature. It's actually pretty cool for what it is. The film has some decent low budget special effects but it amazes me how much help the guy received around the world to put together the film especially computer graphics-wise. The fan film is titled "Star Wars: Revelations." It takes place inbetween episodes 3 and 4. If you have time, check it out. The director, Shane Felox is a local. Not that being local matters, just interesting to me.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

New addiction

Thanks Camille, I've spent the entire day on Yahoo Answer. I just reached my daily limit on answering questions. What will I do now? I'm hurting. The pain is too much. I need to answer questions now!!! I posted a few silly meaningless questions and I'm a little overjoyed at the fact people responded. I guess I'll just have to find questions to vote for the best answer and rate the best answer. I haven't spent much time reading other people's answers. Some have been very long so after a few words I lose interest. I spent most of my time answering military questions, which was sort of fun and reminded me of my days in S-1. I wonder, is there a way I could answer personnel questions online and make a living? I'm still very knowledgable about military personnel issues and I know where to look. They have online recruiters these days and now I wonder if an online military personnel resource would be a good prosperous idea. Of course everytime I answered a question, I wondered if I really should be giving out this information. It seems harmless but who knows who is asking the question and for what purpose do they really want the information. Then again, it's not like the information provided is confidential, it's all out there on the internet. You just have to know where to look and understand what in the world you're looking at. Anyways, I'm hungry and I want answer more questions. I could create another account but I want to accumulate all the points so I can get to level 2. Grrr.

God I love TiVo

Yahoo and TiVo combined? Awesome, check it out for yourself.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Where's the resue party

Help, I'm in danger! I fear these are my last words. I can only hope I make it out of here alive. If only I had called the Rescue Rangers. Chip and Dale wouldn't have let me down. Hopefully they find my body and these damn yellow man eating plants don't devour me. Let my wife know I fought valiantly and never gave up. I'll keep fighting until the end but with every passing moment I grow weaker. No food or water for days. I haven't seen a soul for months. Dimensia has settled in and I don't know what's real or my imagination. I don't trust anything. My bones are weary and I can barely swivel in this chair. The giant mirror is creeping me out. Damit, I need a medic! I'm losing feeling in my legs. Oh no, my left arm is going numb. I'm going into carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

A very boring day

This has to be one of THE most boring days to date. I'm on a temp assignment today and the only thing I've done is sit and answer the phone. Oh, and the phone hardly ever rings, which is actually good. I hate answering phones. The rest of my time is spent on the internet. There's nothing for me to do. I'm tired of reading. I can't even check personal email. Second company I know that blocks personal email sites. Ugh. I tell you the headlines on haven't changed. I've read quite a few blogs and now I'm simply tired. I haven't eaten because I really don't feel like it. I should because I'll be sick later and have a headache. I should have let the phone ring and not answered the call at 9. I'd be at home freaking out about how I really need to find a job that not only pays well but something I can enjoy. Damn, it's only 1:30. Four more hours.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Postage Increase

I'm glad I pay attention, more like stumble across information. I hardly ever send anything through the mail but it'll cost me two more cents now. Instead of 37 cents, it'll be 39 cents. Not a big deal, but when I was about to send something in the mail today but forgot, I guess I now know why. I would have put an important payment in the mail without the correct postage. I'm saved by memory loss and Hooray for me.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Did I mention??

I didn't introduce my new project. I started a new blog, solely for sports. I tend to ramble about sports and depending on how well my teams are doing, those rambles can last for a very long time. It's my attempt to separate sports from all the other things in my life. Though, this past year, I haven't been all up into watching sports. I had brief flashes and at times I just wanted to dump the whole thing. But that sportsmania is coming back. Actually, its been back. College bowl games and NFL playoffs will do it to just about any sports fan. Well, I guess if you like American football. I say American football because apparently futbol to the rest of the world is way more important. Try over 300 million viewers for the seeding of World Cup teams, futbol's greatest stage. Yeah, I said games...just the seeding of teams. The SuperBowl grabs about 70-80 million viewers, I think and that's an actual game. Anyway, the blog is titled A Sports Guy's Dream. Why, because I sort of envy sports writers. I wish I could meet the players, visit the stadiums and be involved in something I truly enjoy.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy Happy Happy New Year, Oye!

Another year down, plenty more to come, well, at least I hope so. What a year but really no need to recap. I enter the new year on good spirits. I'm out to accomplish many things, as usual but this time, no resolutions. Like Phillip, I feel they are destined for failure. I know what I want to accomplish right now, and I'll need room for others that pop up throughout the year. I often change my mind on things and how I feel impacts what I really want to accomplish. What I think now, may not hold true in July. Something may change or a new event may occur which will change my outlook and nix a resolution or two. Besides, life is in constant motion and you have to bee fluid enough to move with it and strong enough to change directions. I will say, New Year's Eve at the Frontpage was a blast. Lots of silly drunk unknowns but the most important part was spending the evening and wee hours of the new year with Phillip, Karen, Kim, Emily, Mike, Megan, Carly and the lovely Camille.