Yahoo Answers
I mentioned my new addiction, Yahoo Answers, and I have no added what appears to by my badge. I still haven't received special thank you but I am at level 2. Quite a few of the questions and answers are very interesting. I love answering the military questions, especially the ones dealing with finding people or personnel questions. I don't participate much with the "do you think the US should bomb Iran?" questions or "like I totally have this crush on this guy ya know, do ya think I he's like into me?"teenage queries. I'm not always the first person to answer, but I have gotten a few best answer selections. Hooray me! I'll eventually lose interest just like I lost interest in Nation States and Neopets. My nation probably has crumbled into noexistance or is frozen in time. My neopet probably is dead or is some walking corpse. Sorry OingoBoingo, I don't deserve you. I'm being sucked into things like yahoo answers and the first few weeks of American Idol and The Flavor of Love(a.ka. the Black-cheloooor-Flavor Flav). Real informative TV, I know.
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