Monday, September 26, 2005

My favorite month is coming...

Fine, I'll make this quick...Sorry, I have a few choice words for Mr. Blogger. October is my favorite month. Partly because it's my birthday month but mostly for all the things associated with October and Halloween. I almost could careless about my birthday. It's nice and a yearly reminder of how long I've been here in this realm. The birthday/halloween parties as a child rocked!

What really makes me smile in October are the horror movie marathons. I'm sure TNT, TBS, Bravo, A&E and the SciFi Channel will be rolling out the monster movie marathons very soon. I know Encore Mystery has the entire month devoted to horror movies. Hellraiser or Exorcist anyone? Freaky story about the Exorcist and the TV coming soon. I do have a restriction placed on one movie...Pet Cemetary. I will not watch this movie. Not even for a little bit. Let's just say I had a bad experience and I've never quite gotten over it. I did get over my bad Poltergeist experience and I love watching that movie but Pet Cemetary is still a no-go for me.

Another great thing about October...haunted houses and tours. Now, I don't know any haunted houses around here except for some Fright Fest thing that I think is near RFK. I've never gone. I did go on a haunted tour, which I really loved. I'm not just saying this because my wife took me to it on my birthday. I really do love real ghost stories which is what most of the haunted tours revolve around. I've heard there are some in DC, Alexandria and some of the surrounding areas but I've yet to go on those. Hmm...maybe this year. Who knows. I am a little scaried that something might happen but that's for another post.

In the spirit of October, here are a few post topics coming soon...the freaky story about the Exorcist, all time favorite horror flicks and a profession I secretly would love to do if life wasn't so serious.


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