I've been hesitant to write anything about this subject but I'm beginning to get frustrated as the state governments close to me (MD and VA) are preparing state constitutional amendments for November elections. Do these amendments affect me directly? Not really. I'm happily married and it's recognized by the state. What really infuriated me was this
article about the proposed amendment in VA. On page 2, a delegate explained some of the wording in the amendment and it sounds like whether your homosexual or heterosexual, civil unions, common law marriages and domestic partnerships will be prohibited in the state of Virginia. Okay, I don't live in Virginia but still, that's pretty extreme but I also know I'm going off of what someone else said. So what, if you're not religious and don't have a ceremony, you're union is illegal? What exactly is considered a marriage? For the past few years now, the term civil union has been thrown around and I guess I'm a bit ignorant to the difference between a marriage and civil union. Oh, and shame on you
Maryland Democrats, you're so concerned about the upcoming state elections, you'll stop fighting to save your asses.
This all makes me wonder what my marriage is considered. If my ceremony was not in a church nor had any referencing to God or other religious icons; does this mean it's not a marriage?
Okay, back to my point. I don't understand what's the big deal. You have your marriage. Others who don't share your particular belief, wish to join in marriage under the spirit of love. They want to live life and function with all the benefits as the traditional family. What's the harm in that? Why can't they be married by a mayor or a priest/reverends who does not see a homosexual union threatening or wrong? How is it not discrimination? If marriage is defined and limited by the word of the Bible, then why allow marriages that don't recognize the forms of Christianity/Catholicism? Why don't these unions, threaten the sanctity of marriage? Just some thoughts. More to come as I develop my thoughts and gather opinions.