I need fluids
Remember when I said I was totally looking forward to getting out and gasping for air after two minutes. Well, strike that, I was sucking in all the oxygen around me even before the game began. By the second half, I tasted dinner once again. I knew I should have eaten earlier but even then, I would have had a second dinner. I don't know what it is but since high school cross country, I seem to have stomach reactions during competition. It never happens during practice or training. I only seem to get that strange uncomfortable feeling during competition and after it violently passes, I feel just fine again and ready continue on. This is a little embarrassing but I was known as "Foamer" in cross country and track. Again, only in competition, I would create an abnormal amount of phlem which I couldn't spit very far so it would all gather around the outside of my mouth and chin. I looked like a foaming dog with rabies. Then around the middle or end of the race, I would have a violent stomach episode. Of course, I kept running the whole time and after it passed, I felt rejuvenated. After high school, I seemed to not have the foaming problem in the military but I still had the other issue. Again, training had no effect on me but once the physical fitness test came around so did the stomach problems. I was in great shape and always had one of the highest scores but I always had an episode. Even now with soccer, I get that unwelcomed feeling but I feel worse since I'm not in that great of shape. I sort of let myself go this past few years. I really need to get back into the swing of things and be more active. I'm so glad I could share this with all of you. I'm sure you loved to hear about my competitive episodes. Now if you don't mind, I need to get some fluids back. Water never tasted so refreshing until now.