Monday, June 20, 2005

Oh the agony

This is my life as a Ted. I'm jobless. I hate to say it but there is no way of getting around the fact that I'm unemployed. I put myself in this position so there is no one to blame but myself. I could have stayed in the military but I just didn't want to anymore. I don't want to put on the green suit anymore. I don't want to deal with all that comes with the military. Hey, if I don't feel like shaving this morning, then I won't. If I want to grow out my hair, then I will. I don't want to feel guilty about not exercising or have to kill myself to comply with a weight standard. I've got a bit of chunk, mainly the midsection. Go beer gut, go! I'm at least trying to stay active. For instance, I have a soccer(oh excuse me, a futbol) match this evening. Totally looking forward to getting out a gasping for air after approximately two minutes. Believe it or not but I rocked out on physical activities, mainly sports and I even ran cross country at one point in my life.

Okay, getting side tracked. I could be doing all sorts of house work right now, while I'm home but no, here I am writing in this blog enjoying the movie Jurassic Park, sipping on Diet Pepsi and munching on crackers and cheese. I spent most of the morning applying for jobs, crossing my fingers on one that I interviewed for last week. Monday is supposed to be decision day. I'm struggling with one offer that won't actually materialize for six to twelve months after an investigation is complete and a clearance is authorized. Excellent pay(so I was told) but mostly mindless work. Most jobs I held were pretty mindless or quite easy for me when I think about it. Sure I put in a lot of hard work and achieved great success but it seems that doesn't matter to the outside world. Work in the military doesn't always translated well into the civilian world or what I like to call the outside world. So here I am, very successful and knowledgeable and where ever I work next, I'll continue to amazing those I support.

So, here I am taking it one day at a time. Taking on temp assignments as they come so I at least bring in some sort of income. One day I will find the right job. Maybe it will be today, tomorrow, next week and let's hope not for my sanity, next month. Ewww, the bloody lamb part just landed on the sunroof.


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