Thursday, October 27, 2005

I wish I work downtown right now

Well, maybe not work. I just want to catch a glimpse of Nicole Kidman, so there is no need to actually work in DC, just a visit at the right time. For years I wished I laid in bed with a bowl over my you know what and catch Ms. Kidman taking a peek. Actually, I just wished I was in Tom Cruise's place. I'm sure I would have been great in Far and Away, Days of Thunder and Eyes Wide Shut. Apparently she's in town filming for a movie, The Visiting, a.ka. Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I've only seen one celebirty in my life and it was on my way to basic training. Yep, I was standing in line at the Columbia Airport in SC as word was passed down that Hootie and the Blowfish were sitting in the airport. And to my surprise there they were sitting not too far away from me. It started on the flight as rumors floated around that they were on the plane. I just thought is was some tatic to get most of our minds off the fact we were about to begin basic. I don't know what we looked like, but it must have been weird to see a large group of people standing single file and not able to move. Military personnel greeted us at the airport made us for a line and told us to keep our left foot against the wall and shut our yaps.


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