Thursday, July 21, 2005

For my wife

I get the feeling that sometimes I don't do enough for my wife. I don't express myself enough, don't tell her how much I love her and I'm not outwardly show affection enough. I owe her writings that I promised her a long time ago, and honestly, I have no idea where I left off. It's embarassing. I don't want to let her down. I want to be her knight in shining armor. I want to share the time that I have with her. Most importantly, I want her to be happy and feel loved. Unfortunatley I feel I have too many don'ts and wants and not enough do's. I'm really not doing anything. I care too much lately about dumb things like how well she does in school, which has gotten to the point where I don't want to be around her until she finish her school work. Really dumb idea. She's an adult, if she wants to turn in her assignments late and not put in the effort to be perfect and would rather spend the time with me, then I should take that time and run with it but I feel like I can't do that. Maybe it's because I think she's not like that. In my mind, she strives to be perfect and bends over backwards and goes out of her way to be perfect. She even admits to being a perfectionist. If she doesn't want to be perfect and be "normal" for a change than that's fine with me. Either way, she's my wife and I love her. Hopefully she doesn't hate me for blogging about this. Sorry, I just feel like I don't use this format enough.

Back to my point, I love my wife. I need to get off my butt and show her. Maybe some surprises here and there. Maybe I should write to her more. I need to get my creativity back. I have no clue where it went. It's probably swirling around my head with all the other things. If you're reading this sweetie, imagine this over the phone...I love and I'll talk to you later...isn't it just annoying.


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