Friday, February 10, 2006

I'll take "a la carte" please

Now we're talking. If I could get rid of all th channels I don't watch, that would be great. Sure I could program the tivo and cable box not to give me the channels I don't like or watch but I still have to pay for them. In order to get all the channels I want, I pay heavily for some packaged deal. Of course, if I had the package I really wanted, I'd be paying out of my ass for cable. Come on, what am I going to do with latin channels, the local montgomery county channel and the CSPAN's. Look I really like ESPN but I don't need ESPN news or classic, two is enough. The weather channel is unnecessary, I can check the website (another pretty penny for high speed interent). You know, it's so much easier this way, I need channels 20 and 23(or whatever the CW will be), 24, 25, 27, 29, 35, 36, 42,42, 44(hockey mondays and tuesdays), 47, 48, 51, 57, 62(need at least on news channel), 66, 69, and 75. The rest of the channels are fillers. It wouldn't break my heart if they weren't available. I don't mind having the Encore movie channels and I can occasionally sit through a show on MTV or VH1. My wife would probably want some additional channels but for me, this is it. So Comcast, how much would you charge me for this lineup?

On demand is getting better but it's far from great. How about a pay per view with tv shows. Forget the flat fees for packages. Just set everyone up with a box and charge for each show. On second thought, don't do that. You'd probably charge $5 a show and with my weekly must see list, I'd hit $70 a week easily. Oh and advertising woud go down the tubes. You'd probably have to throw in 15 minutes of advertising before the shows like they do now for movies. Luckily, the tivo handles that problem with ease. I almost don't know what it feels like anymore to sit and watch the commercials.


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